Quiz FAQs
You may have questions about the quiz and we’ve anticipated some of your questions and provided answers below.
You may have questions...
The Style Quiz is the first step in helping you define your personal style. The next step to learn more about your style and how to create a home that reflects your true self, is to dive in and read the summary that arrived in your inbox after taking the quiz. Then, you’ll be invited to join us in a webinar that takes you even deeper.
But first, let’s make sure we’ve answered your questions.
Is this about home dƩcor or about organizing my space?
How is this different than hiring an Interior Designer?
What is a space personality?
Will you have additional explanations for my space personality?
What benefits will I see by applying my space personality assessment in my home or office?
When will additional space personality resources come?
I have my Style Quiz results. What should I be doing now?
What happens next?
What do I do if my quiz results donā€™t match what I know to be true of me?
Will my style help me figure out how to decorate my space?
How do I get my questions answered?
Can I schedule a one-on-one meeting to discuss my results?
Do you have a Facebook Community where I can meet others who have taken the Style Quiz?
Do you have a membership group that I can join?
What's Next...

If you haven't taken the Style Quiz, please do so!
The Style Quiz will give you insight into the first level of your Space Personality style. From there, join the webinar to learn more! This is just the beginning.

See all of the styles on the Style Showcase!
There are six primary styles in the Space Personality Style Quiz. Each style has specific likes and dislikes when it comes to the space they live in. Explore the types!